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6 073EUR
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2 250EUR
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Väderstad 400C
Sowing equipment Kverneland NG 400 S4
Published: 8mo 4d
1 619EUR
- ≈ 1 754 USD
- ≈ 1 362 GBP
14 January 2024
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See what's in stock nowThis ad was removed from our database. However, you can send a "Want ad" form: Kverneland NG 400 S4
Place a want ad- Is visually reviewed, but not fully tested in all functions: Yes
- Technical condition (1-5) 5=best: 3
Spare parts in the box included.
See more pictures and information - as well as other auctions at www.fymasauctions.dk Kverneland NG 400 S4
This offer is for informational purposes only. Please confirm details directly from the seller.
1 619EUR
- ≈ 1 754 USD
- ≈ 1 362 GBP
14 January 2024
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See what's in stock nowThis ad was removed from our database. However, you can send a "Want ad" form: Kverneland NG 400 S4
Place a want adThis offer is for informational purposes only. Please confirm details directly from the seller.